Sunday, February 6, 2011

37 random things!!

1 I expect too much out of other people.

2 I would easily rather have music over tv.

3 I actually really enjoy reading but hardly every have time to anymore.

4 I live for winter but crave summer constantly.

5 Proverbs 4:23 is my favorite verse.

6 I've lived in the same house for about 12 years now and could almost cry just thinking about moving.

7 I love my family and am so blessed to have the relationship I do with them.

8 I get frustrated & annoyed so so so easily.

9 Pretty little liars is the only show I watch really religiously.

10 I adore airports. I like to think that everyone there has a different story of where they're going and why they're going there, but they're all intersecting in one buildings for atleast a few minutes.

11 I'm CONSTANTLY making lists, about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

12 I love rings. I can't get enough. Seriously.

13 Disney world is hands down my favorite place.

14 I love love love elephants (:

15 I get attached to things (..and people..) really easily.

16 I love potatoes.

17 I have no idea where I want to go to college and no clear picture of what I want to be when I grow up. It scares
me a lot and I worry about it.
18 I find smiley faces in texts to be the most annoying thing ever. I have no explanation for this.

19 I love burning CDs.

20 I know just about every show on HGTV and love interior design.

21 I really like doing other people's hair & makeup, but particularly hate doing my own.

22 Sweet peach teas from sonic basically describe my life if it were a flavor. I'm in love with them.

23 I strongly dislike even numbers.

24 I've played the piano since before kindergarten & took formal lessons for like 8 years.

25 So I'm not that one girl that has to have her phone constantly. I don't care, I'll be PERFECTLY FINE without it.

26 Alternative music is the absolute best genre out there, but I listen to a huge spectrum of stuff.

27 I love Winnie the pooh (: I was OBSESSED when I was little.

28 My eyes are green with some gold and are a feature I actually like about myself.

29 I so self-consious about my skin & my smile.

30 I love to draw and am pretty decent.

31 My birthday is April 7th and I keep meeting people with the same birthday.

32 I love photography like a lot but can't take any good pictures to save my life.

33 Watermelon sour patch kids are pretty great.

34 My toenails are ALWAYS painted. There is never a time when I expose my naked toenails in public ever.

35 Snapdragons are my favorite flowers.

36 I always fall for guy friends. So if you're a guy and you're friends with me chances are at some point in our
friendship I will like you atleast a little. This doesn't mean I'll act on the feelings or anything, they're just usually present for some period of time.

37 If I could redesign my room I would literally make it empty.

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